24 February 2011

Gang aft agley

As the best laid plans of mice and men so often do....

The plan was to go to my sister's house on Tuesday evening, spend the night there and get an early start on a planned photo project with my nephew.

I had hoped to use a range of good locations near their home - woodland, cemetery, station... Both of us didn't mind the fact that the forecast was for rain. At least it wasn't bloody cold

I woke up in good time. Nephew did too but feeling shite so we delayed setting off . We did manage to get a number of photos in the park and cemetery before setting off to try some photos in the nearby woods.

After tho falls and a jarred knee (thanks to the bloody mud) we cut our losses, hobbled home and watched South Park episodes instead....

Still I did get just over 100 photos, some of them are worth playing with

Next time, wait until the ground is less muddy and I won't require painkillers to sit and type....


SnoopyTheGoon said...

No one ever claimed that the life of a shutterbug is a picnic.

The stories I could tell from my own short career...

jams o donnell said...

Ah well next time will be lest painful.. I hope!

Francis Hunt said...

The sacrifices one make for one's art ...!

"... It's an Afghanistan goat, so it can't stay here, or else it'll choke on the sweet air of freedom."
Eric Cartman
[on a goat sent to him and his friends by some kids in Afghanistan]

James Higham said...

It happens to the best of us and also happens to me. Hope you get better.

jams o donnell said...

Aye, but at least the mud will come off and thee knee pain is easing off Francis!

I'm feeling rather better now. Thanks James